Integrated Blindness Prevention Project

Bangladesh is one of the developing countries of South Asia, in which l70 million people live in an area of l47,000 sq km. The economy being agro-based, about 75% of the total population of the country resides in the rural area. The national per capita income is about USA $650.0 and 40% of the total population lives below poverty level. These community people need immediate eye care services through Hospital services, Eye Camp, Primary Eye Care, Vision Center and School Sight Testing Program, poor patient support program etc. 

Hence the prevalence of blindness puts an additional burden on our national economy. According to The Bangladesh National Blindness and Low Vision Survey 2000, the age standardized blindness prevalence rate is l.53% and thus, there are approximately 675,000 blind adults (30 and above age group) in the country (586,880 to 780,000).


Cataract is the predominant (79.6%) cause of bilateral blindness in the country. The cataract surgical coverage (CSC) is notably low over the whole of Bangladesh (32.5%). The level of cataract surgical coverage (CSC) is found significantly lower of women than men, as is the CSC in rural areas compared to urban areas.

There are about 700 Ophthalmologists and about 650 mid level eye care personnel in the country against the demand of 1500 Ophthalmologists and 6000 MLEPs. There are only about 2,822 hospital beds available for eye patients in the entire country. No ophthalmic equipment and instruments are manufactured locally. Availability of ophthalmic equipment and supplies is inadequate and often the existing equipment’s are non operational due to inadequate maintenance and/or lack of trained manpower.

    The Biggest Cause of Blindness.
  • Refractive Error:
    A Small intervention to restore eye sight by a Spectacle.
  • Eye Examination:
    Need to ensure Quality Eye Care services at affordable cost in rural remote areas of Bangladesh


Integrated Blindness Prevention Project Supported by ANDHERI HILFE, eV, Bonn, Germany since the establishment of the Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital, Chandpur. Through this project, Organizational structure, Capacity building and procurement of Medical Equipment was completed earlier to render quality eye care services in Rural remote areas of Bangladesh. Screening Eye Camp, School Sight Testing Progra, Primary Eye Care Center, Vision Center and Poor Patients Support Scheme was implemented as core project components by the donor organization ANDHERI HILFE with the help of people of Germany.


By the activities and components of Integrated Blindness Prevention Project Eye Care System is developed in Bangladesh. 

By the numbers, the effort:

  • Reduced Blindness by 43%
  • Ensure Quality eye care for at least 75%
  • Ensure Primary Eye Care Services for 85% rural people
  • Increased Capacity of the Organization by 90%