Our Strength and Opportunities

Leading Eye Hospital
in Bangladesh!
We are a Leading Eye Hospital in Bangladesh
that Offers Quality Eye Care Services at affordable
Cost for the underprivileged community in Bangladesh.
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brilliant minds!
Our Ophthalmologists and Doctors Examine and Diagnose
your Diseases Properly and ensure Quality Eye care treatment
at Affordable Cost.
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Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital

Mazharul Haque BSNB Eye Hospital, Chandpur is a 51 bed Advance Secondary Specialized Eye Hospital which was established on 0.025 acres of land in 1982 and registered under NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh, Dept. Of Social Welfare and Directorate General of Health Services as a Non Government Organization. The hospital is managed by 15 member’s executive committee which is elected in every 03 years. Currently 115 staffs working in the hospital including 14 Ophthalmologists and Medical Doctors, 41 Ophthalmic Paramedics in different Subspecialty of eye care like Cataract, Glaucoma, Retina, ROP, Pediatric, Oculoplasty.

Leading Eye Care facility at Chandpur, Bangladesh offer quality eye care services at affordable cost.

Our Strength

a) 51 Beds own hospital premises with 11 Primary Eye Care Centers/ Vision Centers.
b) Necessary departments like Cataract, Retina, Pediatric, ROP, Glaucoma, Low Vision, Cornea, Laboratory, Refraction, Outdoor, Indoor and well equipped operation theater are available.
c) All departments are well equipped with modern equipments.
d) Trained and Skilled staff members for Medical and Administration sector.
e) Most skilled medical team to conduct outreach programs like Eye Camp,  DR Screening, Glaucoma Screening, SSTP,  Special Eye Screening etc.
f) Well equipped office facilities including Computer networks, phone and internet.
g) Computer base Patient Management and Medical Record keeping system.
h) Computer base Accountancy, Inventory and Point of Sales centers.
i) Computer base Digital Vision Chart

How we work in Vision Center

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Our Opportunities

a) Opportunity to extent its services by opening several sub specialty eye care services like Cornea Center, DR Unit, Laser & Lasik etc.
b) The resource providers are the opportunity for this hospital. Some of them are –
Support of International Donor Agency, Local Government Officials, Elected Members, Non-Governmental Development organizations, Educational Institutions and their Members, Local Club or Organizations, Health Care Service providing Agencies, Local Generous People, Media, etc

How we work

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How can we help you?

For Accessible, Affordable and Quality Eye Care Service please contact with us. You can also support our project and activities for the most vulnerable community of Bangladesh.

Cataract lost my sight and it is difficult to move smoothly without assistance of others, but after operation I am comfortable in continuing my job and I can see everything clearly. So, it removes the burden of life by cataract surgery with support from ANDHERI HILFE

Yeasin Ali
Freedom Fighter, Chandpur, Bangladesh

Looking for Quality Eye Care Services at Affordable Cost?


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