BNSB Eye Hospital
Best Eye Hospital in Bangladesh
Eye Care | We Care.

BNSB Eye Hospital
Best Eye Hospital in Bangladesh
Eye Care | We Care.

Nasolacrimal duct obstructions both congenital and acquired are routinely treated, with probing, balloon dacryoplasty, external/endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy and Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Jones’ tube placement. A number of patients with orbital pathology including orbital trauma are seen in the clinic. Orbitotomy with mass incisional/ excision biopsies and orbital floor fracture repair with implants (silicon, prolene mesh and osteopore) are commonly done. Orbital and wound exploration for foreign body and their removal are also expertly handled.
Orbit and Oculoplasty services are available at Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital at affordable cost.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The Orbit Clinic receives a number of referrals encompassing both common and rare orbital disorders, tumours and infections. These are managed both conservatively (medical management/chemotherapy/ radiation) and surgically with tumour and the tissue being sent for biopsy and histopathological correlation. A large number of patients with thyroid related orbitopathy are also treated in collaboration with the general physician and endocrinologist on a daily basis.
A number of patients are seen in the Oculoplasty clinic with a variety of eyelid disorders including malpositions (Ptosis, Entropion, Ectropion), benign and malignant eyelid tumours, facial dystonias etc. Congenital lid anomalies including lid coloboma, blepharophimosis, epiblepharon and euryblepharon are also surgically corrected. Surgical corrections for ptosis, entropion, ectropion, post traumatic lid tear / canalicular tear, eyelid reconstructions post tumour removal as well as number of cosmetic eyelid surgeries (e.g. Blepharoplasty) and injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) for facial dystonias and cosmetic indications are being performed.
Ocular Prosthesis
Ocular Prosthesis is an artificial eye or aesthetic model of eyelids and globe which is fit for patients with phthisis bulbi or those whose eyes or orbital contents including globe have been surgically evacuated. During enucleation (surgical process of removing the eye), a silicone ball implant is inserted into the eye socket, to fill the area the eye once occupied. An ocular prosthesis is then moulded to fit in front of the implant. It occupies the space between the eyelids and the conjunctiva covering the implant. A silicone facial prosthesis is also fashioned in the department, for patients who undergo exenteration (removal of orbital contents long with the eyeball) for various oncological/ infective indications.
Our experts
Our team of professionals includes Chief Consultant, Senior Consultant, Junior Consultant, Surgeons
Medical Doctors and more.
Our Code of Conducts
The confluence of seven values results in a ray that represents Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital’s leadership in Eye Healthcare. A ray that is the beacon for millions looking for a curelooking for hope.
Always pursuing Quality, our Hospital envisions more efficient, equitable care at all levels of a patient’s experience. Through a consensus based process, clinical quality and efficiency measures meets the needs.
We value integrity and the promotion of the just use of resources entrusted to us for the enhancement of human life.
We value a quality of presence and caring that accepts people as they are and fosters healing and wholeness.
System effectiveness is built on the collective strength and cultural diversity of everyone, working with open communication and mutual respect.
We the Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital change the patient service quality and work to improve all we do in a fiscally responsible manner.
What Our Beneficiaries Says

Yeasin Ali

Arfan Ahammed

Munmun Sen

Setaj Chakma

Abul Kashem

Moni Begum

Nur Mohammad

Tania Akhter