History of Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital

Quality Eye Health Solutions

Mazharul Haque BSNB Eye Hospital, Chandpur is a 51 bed Advance Secondary Specialized Eye Hospital which was established on 0.025 acres of land in 1982 and registered under NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh, Dept. Of Social Welfare and Directorate General of Health Services as a Non Government Organization. The hospital is managed by 15 member’s executive committee which is elected in every 03 years. Currently 110 staffs working in the hospital including 14 Ophthalmologists and Medical Doctors, 36 Ophthalmic Paramedics in different Subspecialty of eye care like Cataract, Glaucoma, Pediatric, Oculoplasty.

What do we Stand for?

  • OPD Department
    The OPD provides services to around 500 patients a day. Patients are treated in OPD on ‘first come first serve basis.
  • IPD Department
    In-patient department ensures comfortable stay of patients in 51 general beds for male, female, and pediatric patients.
  • Cunsumer Products
    Cunsumer Products
    Operation theatre and CSSD facilitates Six well equipped independent OT rooms cater around 80 surgeries a day.
  • Screening Eye Camp
    BNSB has started this programme to reach underserved population in remote areas. Through this program, particularly patients with cataract are screened out and transported to the eye hospital to be operated upon at free of cost.
  • School Eye Health
    School Eye Health
    The program started in 1992 with the aim to detect visual and other ocular defects at an early stage in the school going children and arrange their appropriate treatment. Eye Health education is an integral part of the program where students and teachers were oriented.
  • Primary Eye Care
    Primary Eye Care
    Its aim is to deliver primary eye care services to the rural people and to achieve this objective unqualified health workers at villages and traditional healers who still provide major part of the health care in the rural areas are imparted training on primary eye care.
  • Laboratory
    Ocular infection is one of the most common condition & to deal with this attached ocular microbiology & viorology laboratory was setup. Besides microbiological work-up, facilities for some hematological and biochemical tests are also available.
  • Biomedical Engineering
    Biomedical Engineering
    For proper repair and maintenance of instruments and equipment's, a biomedical engineering unit with trained manpower is in existence in the hospital which also caters the need of other hospitals as and when required.
  • Optical Dispensing and Pharmacy
    Optical Dispensing and Pharmacy
    The Pharmacy and optical dispensing service has an attached grinding workshop. The service ensures not only quality but also timely delivery of spectacles to the patients in a cost effective way.

Working with Expert Team & Ophthalmologists


General Ophthalmology

Best Quality Comprehensive Eye Care at Affordable Cost


Cataract Surgery

Modular OT Services for Best Visual Outcomes for Cataract


Refractive Error & Spectacle

Ensure Best Corrected Vision Support for RE by Spectacle  

Our Story

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