Comprehensive Eye Camps

Comprehensive camps are designed to screen for all kinds of common eye problems, with focusing exclusively on cataracts.. Minor eye ailments and refractive errors are treated at the camp site with medication or eyeglasses.  Patients identified with cataract are brought to the hospital for free surgery while those identified with speciality conditions are referred to the base hospital

  1. Only 20% people of Bangladesh live in urban area who gets modern eye care facilities whereas remaining 80% people live in the rural area who suffers from poor family income, illiteracy, lack of medical facilities, superstitious social system are the causes of 85% of total blind people live in rural area. Nearly 30% to 40% blind people come to hospitals or clinics for eye care facilities and the remaining people are untreated. To overcome all these we conduct Mobile Eye Camps in the rural area in winter season at free of cost at the doorsteps of blind people with the support of Donor Agency. These camps are organized in collaboration with the administration, local volunteers and social workers to render eye care services to the people. Mobile Eye Camps are sometimes a type of Field Hospital, temporarily set up in different rural areas of the country and equipped to undertake surgical procedure in an aseptic condition or sometimes a type of Screening Center, screen for cataract patients and transport them to the base hospital for surgical operation. We have conducted 852 nos. of Mobile Eye Camps since inception. Among this, 483 Mobile Eye Camps conducted in the period 1982 to 2000, where total 52,126 nos. patients has been operated without IOL and 399 nos Mobile Eye Camps conducted in the period 2001 to June 2017, where total 28790 nos. of patients have been operated with IOL. We also treated 9,55,168 nos. patients at out-door in the Screening Eye Camp and Distribute necessary Medicine and Spectacles t free of cost.

Free Screening Eye Camp support to Restore More than 100 Thousands ultra poor people to get back their Eyesight. We are grateful to our partners like ANDHERI HILFE, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Dutch Bangla Bank Foundation, Orbis International and the 

Patients Statistics (Free Surgery)

Statistics of Sight Restoring Surgery Services at Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital

Selection of Venue for Eye Camp

Mazharul Haque BNSB Eye Hospital Conducts Screening Eye Camp (SEC) in remote areas like Underprivilized areas where no eye hospital were present,  Char Areas, Hilltracks (Khagrachori) in Chittagonj, Island (Sandip) in Chittagong, Island (Hatiya) in Noakhali,  Char Area (Vedorganj) in Shariatpur, Costal Area (Kamalngar) in Lakshmipur with support of donors like ANDHERI HILFE, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Orbis International, Dutch Bangla Bank Foundation, where there are no eye care facility. During this post COVID Pandemic situation, huge eye care need were unmet. In this situation, if Donor Organizations Supports to organize free Screening Eye Camp on that remote area and perform sight restoring surgery with prior permission from local government, the most unreachable people will be served for esteem needed Eye Care Service.

Program Officer of the hospital will contact to the Local Organizers to select the Camp Venue. PRO will consult the feasibility of the selected venue with Coordinator & Program Manager. Coordinator (Program & Admin) will analyze the matter and report to the Chief Consultant for final selection of the Venue to organize an Eye Screening Camp.

Process of Organizing Eye Camps

Go through checklist of items to be taken to the campsite before leaving the Hospital: Portable Biometry Machine, Slit Lamp, CRP Device, Biochemistry analyzer, Torch Light, Direct Ophthalmoscope, Schiotz Tonometer, Syringing Set, Sphygmomanometer, Reagent for estimating Urine Sugar, Box of Trial Lenses, Retinoscope, Dark Curtains and Generator.

Publicity of SEC will be done in customized way like people from different village will attend in the 5 day long camps in different days. After attending in the screening venue commonly in a Open Space or Institute patients were screened ensuring proper ques, wearing masks and sanitization of hands. All the patients attended in the Camp will be registered and their Sign, Symptoms, Medication history  also be checked and noted for reporting. Also free mask and hand sanitizer were distributed in the camp venue for the ultra poor patients who could not bring masks.

Consider the restriction of public gathering and mass communication, our management planned to organized some outreach Camps in the remote areas where there are no eye care facility like Islands, Hilltracks, Char areas etc. In the remote areas we are planned to screening events daily and perform the surgery as day care basis. As a result less movement of patients will considered and spread of COVID will be expected. Total 5 days will be required for completion of a Screening Eye Camp. Day-5 for SEC closing day and team back to hospital; Day-6 for Evaluation of the operated patients at the venue after 10 days of their discharge for post operative treatment and necessary precautions.

Average 70-100 patients were operated in each eye camp at free of cost.

The rural remote and unprivileged inaccessible Upazilas will be covered to serve the maximum number of accumulated eye patients. The venue will be selected 60 to 80 km far from the base hospital. But it may be flexible in special circumstances as such backward communication, island, etc.

After selection of patients for Cataract surgery, all the patients will go for biometry, BScan and biochemistry examinations like CBC, CRP for checking the sign and symptoms of COVID for taking extra measure. Admitted patients will be registered at MRD. The Clinical Examinations will be done. Separate OT list will be generated.  All other sterilization protocol of the Hospital to be followed during surgery. Manual “Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS)” will be the preferred technique for IOL implantation for each selected case.

Follow Up Services

After 40 days of post operation, a Follow-up Team will reach the venue for reviewing of all operated patients. They will test the eye vision. Doctor will examine all the operated patients to lookout for any complications. Refraction will be done by the Refractionist and for cases with pinhole vision of 6/l8 or worse further review at the hospital. Any patient needing detailed examination or management of complications is advised to refer directly to hospital with referral slip.

Reporting of an Eye Camp

For each of the camp, a Completion Report will be prepared and be submitted to the Hony. General Secretary by the Camp Leader and Sr. PRO for forwarding to the Donor Agency. Besides, the Camp Supervision Committee will prepare a report on the highlighting the strengths, weakness and suggestions for way forward.

Eye Camp Beneficiaries

How can we help you?

For Accessible, Affordable and Quality Eye Care Service please contact with us. You can also support our project and activities for the most vulnerable community of Bangladesh.

Interested to support in Free Eye Camp?

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